Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I have a dream, a song to sing.

I remembered I wanted to be an astronaut last time because the outer space just amazes me and the floating around sounds so cool. It looks really awesome with all the stars in space! I love to stargaze because I would feel so relaxed. But sadly, Singapore is an urban city so there isn't much stars to gaze at. T_T Well I don't want to become an astronaut already since NASA provides services to bring us to the outer space, like a tour. Provided you're rich enough to pay for that! I heard it's kinda expensive though. And being an astronaut ain't that easy plus it's tough work too! Talking about astronauts, I suddenly feel like buying astronaut's ice cream. :D The other time when Juliana and I went to buy it, the shop was already closed -_-

So yeah, hmmm I wanted to travel all around the world since young. Traveling sounds so adventurous and fun, don't you think so too ? :) Same thing, provided if you have the money! Conclusion, study hard, find a good job, earn lotsa money and you'll be able to do and buy the things you like! Oh and you'll be able to take care of your parents. :3 Money isn't everything though, since it can't buy happiness and get my meaning right ? :)


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