Should've seen it coming.
School was alright today, except when
there was a geog test today and i
was like totally unaware about it. So
yeah, sort of like a surprise test to me ):
Anyways, headed to west coast park
after school with Stacey, Yingkai and
Hassan. Initially, we wanted to study
but then we were too engrossed with
the scenery and everything. We sat on
the ground near the sea and started
enjoying the cool breeze. I was feeling
relaxed, as if my whole mind was light.
Really light. And i remembered Yingkai
saying this, 'feels like so close to heaven'.
Kinda' agree though. I'd recommend you
to go there if you wanna' feel relaxed. :D
Somehow, we were kinda' procrastinating
cus' we didn't revise at all D:
Damn, sucha' waste of time, i suppose.
Going there tmrw again, hope we would
be more serious in our revisions and such. :/